Oracle Network Protocol
A high-performance blockchain built for Oracle

Based on Cosmos's state-of-the-art SDK, Oracle Network Protocol can handle thousands of TPS with instant termination; With the ability to send Oracle data across multiple blockchains


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Oracle Network Protocol provides the tools needed to smart contract developers to build scalable and ability to connect dApps on any blockchain or tier 2 network



Bring data from the Web API Smart Contract Usage

Oracle Network Protocol enables smart contract and blockchain developers to connect their decentralized applications to any open API through customizable Oracle scripts
The script can be programmed in any language compatible with the WebAssembly standard



Will private data and APIs commercialised blockchain projects

Oracle Network Protocol provides API providers with a set of tools to transform real-world data into blockchain applications on a unified and on chain platform
We support all major blockchain, so you can have the most usage in the blockchain ecosystem


Development tutorial

We have developed a series of tutorials that teach the basics of smart contracts and how to obtain data from the Oracle Network Protocol ecosystem

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